





1.能够听说读写单词和短语:have a cold, have a toothache, have a fever, hurt, have a headache, have a sore throat. 2.能够听说读句型:what’s the matter, mike? i feel sick. i have a fever.并进行关键词的替换操练。 3.能够理解会并吟唱let’s chant的歌谣。


教学重点、难点: 1.重点是掌握a-let’s learn的四会单词和短语,并询问别人的身体状况。 2.难点是正确拼写四会单词和短语。


1、 warm-up

(1)播放录音pep4unit6歌曲“my father is a doctor.”


what’s your father/mother?

2、 presentation and practice

(1)教师出示let’s start的教学挂图,说:look! we have some new friends here. who are they? what’s the matter with them?…帮助学生回答,并引导学生通过观察图片或教师的肢体动作来帮助学生熟悉答句中的新单词和短语。

(2)播放let’s chant的录音,重点领读句子:i have a headache. i have the flu.

(3)教师出示一支体温表,说:this is a thermometer. if i have a fever, it will tell me. let’s see mike. mike doesn’t feel well. he has a fever.指着let’s learn的图片的 mike,教学“have a fever”。让学生看图片,教师做出各种表情,引导学生提问“what’s the matter?”,引出词组have a fever(出示体温计或在额头上捂湿毛巾) have a toothache(作牙疼状) , hurt(在身体某一部位贴一块膏药), have a sore throat(咳 嗽,说话沙哑),have a cold(打喷嚏), have a headache(作头痛状)。注意headache 和 toothache的共同之处,帮助学生简单了解构词法。播放录音,让学生跟读单词。

(4)教师让学生读单词,叫到的同学,给他图片(have a fever),问他:“what’s the matter, x?”引导学生说:i feel sick. i have a fever.解释sick单词。用同样的方法教授句型:what’s the matter, x? i ...


(5)let’s play “看病”游戏。 将学生分成六大组,每组选一张短语卡片。教师戴上医生的帽子提问:cold, cold, who has a cold? 如第一组选中的是have a cold,这组学生就边做动作或表情边吟唱:cold, cold, i have a cold.用同样的方法进行操练,各组调换卡片继续该活动。

(6)pair work “敲敲打打”活动。 教师将所学单词或短语写在黑板上,然后把学生分成两大组,每组派一名代表站到黑板前。教师说单词或短语,请学生敲击听到的单词或短语,谁敲得既对又快得一分,最后得分高的组获胜。


屏幕的左边为sore throat/fever/cold/headache这些词,它们的旁边为少了一个词的词组结构:have a …, 右边为每个词组所对应的图片。拖动左边的词把它们配对到对应的词组中。右边的图可以给所填的词以提示。连对了,则会发出欢呼声,给学生以鼓励。

3、 consolidation and extension



五、板书设计: unit 2 what’s the matter, mike? have a fever hurt have a cold have a toothache have a headache have a sore throa



1.能够听说读写五个情绪单词:tired, angry, excited, happy, sad ,bored.

2.能够听说读句型:how does amy feel? she’s tired.并进行关键词的替换操练。

3.能够完成task time的任务。

教学重点:使学生熟练掌握五个四会单词,并能替换句型“how does she/he feel? she’s/he tired.进行回答。



教学重点:使学生熟练掌握五个四会单词,并能替换句型“how does she/he feel? she’s/he tired.进行回答。


一、 warm-up:

(1)free talk: how tall are you?

how heavy are you?

how old are you?

how many pencils do you have?

how much is your…?

how are you? your parents come to our classroom today.


step 1: learn the new words.


请同学们朗读并翻译课本19页let’s learn 中的6个单词,画出不会读或不会翻译的单词,2分钟后指名交流。


t: you had the english test this week, many students did a good job in this test. x, you got 100 pionts, how do you feel?



t: if you failed the english test, you are ________.(sad)



t: if you failed the test, your parents are _________.(angry)


出示john踢球输了的图片,出示句子john is very angry, because he lost the football match. 让学生看情景图说句子,达到操练的新单词的目的。


承接上面的情景,john is very angry, because he lost the football match, how about zhang peng? (情景图)导入单词excited.

出示句子:zhang peng is excited, because he won the football match.



guiding2:请同学们朗读并翻译19页let’s learn 中的两个句子,画出不会读或不会翻译的单词,两分钟后指名交流。

以同样的方式教学单词tired和bored,同时教学句型how does amy feel? she’s tired.在指导拼读单词时,让学生观察两个单词的相同之处:结尾三个字母都是red,这样的话学生对这两个单词的记忆就会更加深刻。

guiding2:请同学们朗读并翻译19页let’s learn 中的两个句子,画出不会读或不会翻译的单词,两分钟后指名交流。


1.句型操练:how does …feel? he/she’s ….安排同桌两个人问答练习。

2.pair work.记忆大比拼。(给学生30秒中,记住六个孩子的心情,然后教师问学生答。)

3.总结以how 开头的疑问句,并对比how do you feel? how does amy feel?两个句子的不同之处:人称和助动词的变化。


read and finish:

1.my dad is going on a trip without me.

i’m very _ _ _ _ _.

2. chen jie failed(不及格) the math test,

she’s very _ _ _.

3. lucy clean the bedroom in the morning,

she’s_ _ _ _ _.

4.mike is going to take a trip next week,

he’s very _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

5. sarah is _ _ _ _ _, because her mother

is going to buy a new dress for her.

learning aims:

1.能听说读写6个重点单词:tired, angry, excited, happy; sad, bored;

2.能正确运用重点句子:how does amy feel? she’s tired.



1. 能够理解对话大意,并回答对话下问题。能按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。

2. 能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用句型 how was your weekend? it was good. did you do anything else? 提问并回答有关周末活动的安排。

3. 能够在语境中理解生词drank的意思,并能正确发音。


1. 重点:运用句型 how was your weekend? it was good. did you do anything else? 提问并回答有关周末活动的安排。

2. 难点:一般过去时动词词尾的规则变化。



1. 师生相互问候。

2. 教师利用头脑风暴活动激发学生的背景知识,复习相关的动词及动词词组。教师请学生说出周末一般做什么,复习有关周末活动的词汇。如果学生不能够说出很多单词或词组,教师可在课件上出示词组,引导学生描述自己周末一般做什么。


1. 呈现重点句型

(1) 教师展示日历,请学生回忆上周末做了什么。教师引导学生说出上周末的活动安排,并用一般过去时的句子转述,请学生感受使用一般过去时的语境。师生对话示例如下:

t: how was your weekend? busy? happy? what did you do?

ss: i do my homework.

t: oh, you did your homework last weekend.

t: what else did you do?

(2) 教师说出自己上周末所做的事,并将句子呈现在课件上。课件内容示例如下:

i was very busy last weekend.

i cleaned my room last saturday morning.

i washed my clothes last saturday afternoon.

i cooked a meal last sunday evening.

i watched tv last sunday evening.



what do you usually do on weekend? what did you dolast weekend?

i clean my room. i cleaned my room last saturday.

i wash my clothes. iwashed my clothes last sunday.

i cook a meal. i cooked a meal last sunday.

i watch tv. i watched tv last saturday.

教师引导学生小结一般过去式动词的规则变化,即一般情况下,在词尾加-ed,大多搭配表示过去的时间短语,如:lastweekend, last sunday。教师在课件上用红色标注-ed及last。


t: who cleaned your room?

ss: …

t: who washed your clothes?

ss: …

t: who cooked a meal?

ss: …

t: who watched tv?

ss: …

2. let’s try.

(1) 教师在课件上出示主情景图,引入mike的周末活动。询问学生:whatdo you think of mike’s weekend? was it interesting? 教师在课件上呈现日历,使学生初步了解本课要学习的内容涉及过去的时间。

(2) 教师要求学生读题并猜测答案。

(3) 学生读题并猜测答案。

(4) 教师播放本部分录音,学生听后选择正确答案。

(5) 教师校对第一题答案时,请学生说出原因,引导学生推导时间,引出lastweekend。

3. let’s talk.

(1) 教师播放本部分录音两遍,学生带着问题听录音,听后回答问题:

what did mike do last weekend?

what did grandpa do?

how was their weekend?

(2) 游戏:听对话,做动作


it was good.(起立并复读)

i stayed at home with your grandma.(起立并复读)

we drank tea in the afternoon and watched tv.(起立并复读)

i watched tv, too.(起立并复读)

i watched some children’s shows on tv.(起立并复读)

i cleaned my room and washed my clothes.(起立并复读)

(3) 教师播放课文动画,请学生看完后完成以下连线活动。

(4) 师生核对连线题的答案。

(5) 教师放录音,学生跟读。教师解释单词drank的意义。

(6) 教师播放课文录音,学生逐句仿读。(提醒学生在跟读的过程中注意模仿录音中的语音、语调)


1. role play


2. 活动1: 教师在课件上呈现mike’s grandma周末活动的图片,提问学生:how was grandma’s weekend? what did she do? did she do anything else? 组织学生创编新的对话并进行表演。

3. 活动2: 教师与学生对话,提问该生上周末做了什么以及下周末打算做什么。对话后教师示范如何转述该生的话,然后请学生依照示范与同学对话,并尝试转述同学的活动安排。 师生对话示例如下:

t: hi, lily. how are you? how was your weekend?

lily: i’m fine,thank you. it was good.

t: what did you do?

lily: i went to the park with my father and mother.

t: that’s nice. didyou do anything else?

lily: yes, i cooked a meal and washed the dishes. iplayed chess with my dad.

t: wow! you are a good girl. what are you going to donext weekend?

lily: i’m going tovisit my grandparents.

t: that’s good.


lily was happy last weekend. she went to the park withher family. she cooked a meal washed the dishes. she played chess with her dad.she is going to visit her grandparents next weekend.





能听,说,读,写短语:cleaned my room, washed my clothes , stayed at home, watched tv .

理解句子:how was your weekend ? it was fine ,thanks . what did you do ? i stayed at home and watched tv.


3. 能够运用新学的内容完成 “do a survey and report”任务。

4. 在小组的讨论交流中,培养学生英语的综合运用能力。





step1 : warm up

t: good morning, boys and girls,.

i usually clean my room and wash the clothes on weekends.

what do you usually do on weekends?

s1: i usually do my homework and watch tv.

s2: i usually play table tennis. ………..



t: today we’ll learn unit.2last weekend.

1. 日历呈现 last weekend


2. 图片new phrases: cleaned , washed ,watched,stayed ,

cleaned my room , washed my clothes ,stayed at home ,watched tv.


3. 师板书下列单词的原形clean ,wash ,watch, stay,并用i often clean my room /…造句。

师板书以上单词原形并且加ed后,用i cleaned my room /…last weekend 造句。


4.学生观察两个词组的不同之处.t:eg: cleaned 是clean的过去式,当我们要表达过去发生的事情时,就要用动词的过去式,规则动词的过去式一般在原型后面加ed. cleaned的ed 发/d/. 师带读.

用同样的方式教“stay/stayed at room,wash/washed my clothes,watch/watched tv.”. 注意:washed,watched的ed 发/t/.




t: how were their weekend?

s1:he cleaned his room and washed his clothes.

s2: she stayed at home and watched tv.

呈现句型:what did you do? 师生问答



pair-work t: how was your weekend ? s: it wasfine , thanks.

t: what did you do ? si :i stayed at home andwatched tv.

listen to the tape of let’s learn and follow it.


let’s chant,边做动作边chant:

what did you do last weekend ? i cleaned my room.

what did you do ? what did you do ? i washed myclothes.

what did you do ? what did you do ? i stayed athome.

what did you do ? what did you do ? i watched tv. (注意:do 的过去式did ).


5.do a survey and report :学生利用表格,进行问卷调查。

操练句型—how was your weekend?

--- what did you do?


step 4. 达标检测


1. wash_____ 2. stay_____3.watch______ 4.clean______ 5.do______


( )1.你想问同学周末过得怎样,可以说:______.

a. how was your weekend ? b. howold are you ?

( ) 2.你想问同学有多高,可以说:_______.

how heavy are you ? b.how tall are you ?

( )3.你想告诉同学:你周末过得很好,可以说:____.

a. i’mtaller than you . b. it was fine.

( ) 4.你想问同学上周末做了什么?可以说_____.

a. what did you do last weekend ?b. what are you going todo next weekend ?

( )5.你想说:它比我们俩加起来还高,可以说:_______.

it’s taller thanboth of us together. b. it’s taller than theelephant.





1、能够听说读写句型:--how did you go there? i went by train .

2. 能听懂、会说本课对话,并能在实际情景中应用。


能够用一般过去式询问别人在过去的时间里乘坐什么交通工具去了哪里并作答。如where did you go on your holiday? i went to xinjiang. how did you go there? i went by train.




1,教学重点是掌握句型 how did you go there? i went by train.



step1 warm up

1. let`s chant where did you go on your holiday?

2.let` s review ;利用单词卡片复习动词短语和句型what did you do on your holiday?

3.free talk:

what did you do on your holiday?

i took pictures.

good !what about you?

i went ice-skating .

设计思路:let`chant 设计是为了活跃气氛并引出本课主题:where did you go on your holiday?let`s review.不仅可以复习短语和句型,还为拓展本课句型做了铺垫。

step2 presentation

1.present let`s try

what did you chenjie do on her holiday? let`s listen and circle.

listen again and check your answers

(设计思路)通过处理本部分, 达到呈上启下的作用。

2.present let`s talk

what`s the weather like today?

it`s warm and sunny.

what`s the weather like in harbin in winter?(课件出示哈尔滨的一张下雪的图片)

it`s cold and snowy.

did you go to harbin on your holiday?

yes, i did.

how can you go to harbin?

i can go there by plane or by train.

that`s right .sarah went to harbin on her holiday.how did she go there?let`s have a look.听录音let`s talk。

ask and answer.

look and repeat.

read in roles.

act out the dialouge.

step3 practise

看图问(where did you go ?how did you go ?what did you do ?学生根据图回答。

step4 consolidation


过程:全班学生分成4大组,请两名学生上来,a学生抽取地点卡片,b 同学抽取交通方式卡片。

(1)a同学问大家:where did you go on your holiday?大家根据a同学的卡片回答:i went to

(2)b同学把卡片上的交通方式用动作或模拟声音表达出来,边做边问大家。how did you go there?每组同学根据表演者的动作猜并快速回答:i went....




请一名同学任意抽取一张动词短语过去式的卡片,对任一个小组进行采访,抽取卡片的同学根据卡片内容边做动作边提问:what did you do? 被采访的小组同学看动作猜出短语是什么,并回答:i....




(1)一人抽取卡片并根据卡片的内容(地点、时间)提问:where did you go on your holiday?其他同学根据卡片上的内容回答:i went to ....

(2) 然后其他同学自由抽取卡片根据内容(交通方式或者动词短语)用动作或模拟声音表达出来并体问:how did you go there?或what did you do there?其他学生根据动作猜短语并回答。




step5 :homework

1. 听音朗读对话内容并背诵、默写四会句子。



六、板书设计my holiday

how did you go there? i went by train.




