本单元的中心话题是“自由战士”(freedom fighters),听、说、读、写始终围绕这一主题展开。语言知识和语言技能部分主要是围绕“freedom fighters)这一中心话题进行设计的。课文讲述了美国黑人争取自由的历史,从而说明自由、平等的重要性。同时也表达了对那些为自由和平等权利而献身的勇士们的敬仰。
“热身”(warming up)部分设计了三个讨论题,使人们对马丁·路德·金和曼德拉这两位为黑人自由和平等权利而斗争的领袖人物的人生经历有所了解,通过讨论,增强对他们国家目前现状的了解。
“听力”(listening)部分是在“热身”活动的基础上,以听力训练形式进一步帮助学生了解马丁·路德·金,听力中节选了的“i have a dream”的部分句子。练习包括四个项目,设计多样,生动有趣。第四题有利于培养学生用英语进行总结概括自己思想的能力。
“口语”(speaking)部分设计了两个问题,第一题以三人小组的活动形式,组织学生谈论约翰·布朗(john brown)和哈丽特·塔布曼(harriet tubman)的人生经历,引人深思,使学生能用英语阐述自己的意见。第二题以诗歌形式出现,有利于寓教于乐,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。
“语言学习”(language study)部分分词汇和语法两部分,词汇部分第一题要求学生用课文中的词填空。第二题要求学生区分各种词类的具体用法。语法部分是复习被动语态的用法,练习紧密联系课文,能加深学生对教材的理解。
“综合技能”(integrating skills)的阅读文不仅谈论人类为自由、平等而斗争,还谈到了动植物、海洋、地球,甚至机器和机器人的权利。在阅读和讨论的基础上,要求学生写出自己的看法。这是一个任务型的学习活动,练习生动有趣,能够引起学生的兴趣。同时让学生在实践中体验“自由”的内涵,有助于提高他们的语言概括能力。(摘自教参)
重点词和词组:freedom, civil, revolution, slavery, abolish, put…into prison, racial, discrimination, join hands, set an example to , regardless of , at first sight, etc.
句型:what happened first was that …
what happened as a result of …
you could expect …because…
that led to …
one of the reasons why … is …
… is often followed by …
在认知策略培养方面,引导学生进一步了解史实和具体事件,加深对种族及种族歧视、不同国家、不同历史年代人物与事件等的认识和理解。另外,课前、课后鼓励学生利用网络和图书馆搜集相关资料,善于获得学习资源,充分利用学习资源,如:进入美国歌曲glory, glory, hallelujah; blowing in the wind; we shall overcome及文化背景网页、斯坦福大学网页等获得有关马丁-路德演说录音和部分黑人运动歌曲。在另一方面,着重培养情感策略,激励学生热爱民主、平等、和平、自由、守法,积极上进、奋斗创新。
period 1:warming-up and listening
period 2:speaking
period 3-period 4:pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading
period 5:word study and grammar
period 6:integrating skills.
period 1 warming-up & listening
1.learn and master the new words and expressions in this period.
2.talk about civil rights and freedom fighters to improve the students’ speaking ability.
3.do some listening practice to improve the students’ listening ability.
4.learn about some freedom fighters.
teaching procedures:
step 1 warming up
task1 free talk
t: we are now living in a civilized world with every human race living in harmony with each other. and as a human being, what we are now paying more attention to, is the human right .
questions : 1. was every human race are treated equally in the past?
how about now?
2. were the blacks treated as equal citizens? how did they get their freedom?
3. who devoted themselves to this? do you know any famous freedom fighters? (show some pictures of some famous freedom fighters.)
task2 discussion
t: look at the two pictures and read the notes about them.then have a discussion in groups of four.try to explain why they are great men and in which way struggle was an important part in the lives of these men.
step2 listening
t: from the discussion we had just now,we know that in 1993 martin luther king,jr. gave a famous speech—“i have a dream”.have you ever listened to it? ( get the students to go through the exercises on page 25 and page 26 first. and the play the tape for the first time.)
questions: what kind of talk did martin luther king, jr give?
what was his talk about? when did he give this talk?
1. listen for the first time with the book closed
2. listen again with the book open and individually answer the questions and complete the blanks.
3. check the answers in pairs.
post-listening questions:
as freedom fighters, martin luther king was murdered and nelson mandela was put in prison for about 30 years.
do you think it is worthy-while?
why do you think so?
step3 summary
t: in this period, we have talked about two distinguished freedom fighters martin luther king,jr. and nelson mandela. and we have also listened to the famous speech—i have a dream. there is no doubt that civil right is very important for everyone, to know more things about is surely necessary.
step4 homework
a. go overl all the new words and expressions that occur in this unit.
b. finish the exercise talk on the workbook.
c. search some information about the history of american civil war , john brown and the evolution of civil right.
period 2 speaking
step 1 revision
students retell about the two famous leaders martin luther king and nelson mandela, using the information in warming up. and students collect information about how the situation has been improved by their struggle.
step 2 pre-speaking
the teacher writes the information about the years in warming up on the blackboard and raise questions as below:
t: could you tell us what happened when in 1955?
s: yes, of course. king graduated and organized his first actions in 1955.
t: what happened in the year of 1957?
s: he formed an organization.
t: what happened as a result of that?
s: they carried out movement. / he became one of the leaders.
that led to the freedom fighting.
s1: what happened to n. mandela during 1962-1989? what are the reasons?
s2: one of the reasons why …is that he…
s1: what led to his success?
s2: his peaceful action led to his success.
(teachers use the new expressions on page 27. pay attention to the language input.
we can change the practice into a filling form if it is too difficult for some students.)
step 3 speaking
1. watch the video (from the film gone with the wind).
talk about the situation when in american civil war. the picture below
is one about a battle.
some other pictures and questions:
what was the life of the slaves like ?
how was the life of the whites in the south ?
are there some people fighting against slavery?
did people find good ideas to save the poor slaves? they took actions.
fighting struggles demonstration
↘ ↓ ↙
saving slaves
↗ ↑ ↖
wars escaping making laws
(in addition: the civil war of american broke up slavery, and later brought about rapid development of industry . )
2. practice
now read the notes about john brown and harriet tubman. ask them to tell about the two great freedom fighters.
use the expressions of page 27 to make up some dialogues in pairs . then teachers get some pairs to act out the dialogues in front of the class.
to help the students grasp the information , we can use the years or some verbs :
john brown: in 1800; in the 1840s; in the 1850s ; in 1855
harriet tubman: worked as a slave; escaped; joined; saved; fought; opened
step 4 post-speaking
1. talking
if time permits, get students to finish the task of talking ------
what’s your opinion to slavery?
what do you think of john brown / harriet tubman?
(or: is his struggle important to the situation/ improvent? ; notes: their fighting is quite different from king’s or mandela’s, while they . they fought to create a safe area for black people. )
how did john brown die? ----- he was killed by the slave owners/ farmers who wanted to keep slavery.
information from the internet:
john brown was a man of action -- a man who would not be deterred from his mission of abolishing slavery. on october 16, 1859, he led 21 men on a raid of the federal arsenal at harpers ferry, virginia. his plan to arm slaves with the weapons he and his men seized from the arsenal was thwarted, however, by local farmers, militiamen, and marines led by robert e. lee. within 36 hours of the attack, most of brown’s men had been killed or captured.
during his first fifty years, brown moved about the country, settling in ohio, pennsylvania, massachusetts, and new york, and taking along his ever-growing family. (he would father twenty children.) working at various times as a farmer, wool merchant, tanner, and land speculator, he never was finacially successful -- he even filed for bankruptcy when in his forties. his lack of funds, however, did not keep him from supporting causes he believed in. he helped finance the publication of david walker’s appeal and henry highland’s "call to rebellion" speech. he gave land to fugitive slaves. he and his wife agreed to raise a black youth as one of their own. he also participated in the underground railroad and, in 1851, helped establish the league of gileadites, an organization that worked to protect escaped slaves from slave catchers.
brown, knowing that many of the families were finding life in this isolated area difficult, offered to establish his own farm there as well, in order to lead the blacks by his example and to act as a "kind father to them."
brown was wounded and quickly captured, and moved to charlestown, virginia, where he was tried and convicted of treason, before hearing his sentence, brown was allowed make an address to the court.
“i believe to have interfered as i have done, . . . in behalf of his despised poor, was not wrong, but right. now, if it be deemed necessary that i should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood further with the blood of my children, and with the blood of millions in this slave country whose rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments, i submit: so let it be done."
henry david said in an address to the citizens of concord, massachusetts. "no man in america has ever stood up so persistently and effectively for the dignity of human nature. . . ."
john brown was hanged on december 2, 1859.
2. listen and learn the song.
glory, glory, hallelujah! (form the book famous american songs and their cultural background) remember:each kid keeps a piece.
raise questions:
what is the name of the song? what does it mean?
what is the meaning of the sentence “he’s gone to be a soldier in the army of the lord” ?
step 5 singing
will you sing other songs like this one?
examples: blowing in the wind; we shall overcome…
step homework:
prepare the task of talking in the workbook.
get information about m. l king, especially about his stories.
talk about famous freedom fighters in china, such as chen sheng and wu guang.. .; mao zedong……
1st period warming up(6.3-6.4)
2nd period reading (i)(6.5)
3rd period reading(ii)(6.9)
4th period language study(6.10-6.11)
5th period listening(6.12)
6th period writing(6.13)
ⅳ. 分课时教案
the first period warming up
teaching goals 教学目标
1. target language目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语
misunderstand, similar, facial, expression, agreement, yawn, chest, gesture, adult, punish
b. 重点句型或交际用语
act out the following meanings, please.
please guess what i mean.
please show the actions, using body language.
now it is your turn to show the action / gesture.
please use either spoken words or body language to express your ideas.
please use both spoken words and body language to express your ideas.
2. ability goals能力目标
a. enable the students to understand what a certain gesture of the body language means in a given situation.
b. enable the students to act out some meanings, requirements, requests or situations given in the target language.
c. enable the students to express with the target language the meanings given in body language.
3. learning ability goals 学能目标
a. help the students learn how to express themselves in body language when needed.
b. help the students understand others when body language is being used.
teaching important points教学重点
a. teach the students how to understand body language used in different countries or cultures as well as in different occasions.
b. teach the students how to use body language in the most appropriate occasions.
teaching difficult points 教学难点
a. enable the students to realize the importance of body language in communication so that little or no misunderstanding may occur.
b. let the students know that there is both positive body language and negative body language.
teaching methods教学方法
a. individual work, pair work and group work.
b. acting out by imitation, mime or with gestures and body movement.
teaching aids教具准备
a computer, a projector and some pictures.
teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
step i lead-in
the teacher shows some pictures on screen. these pictures are from the evening party celebrating the coming lunar new year of the rooster of 2005.
ss: yes, thousands of hands kwan-yin.
t: but do you know who she is? yes, she was the leading dancer of the program. her name is tai lihua(邰丽华). she is called a fairy of peach blossom(桃花仙子) by people. you know she is a deaf girl, but she is a wise, diligent, charming and energetic girl. she studied very hard and got two degrees of bachelors in university. she was famous as an artist for her wonderful performance. she is deaf and dumb. but how did she get that great achievement and became a successful person? she loves life very much. we should learn from her spirit. besides her hard working, body language plays a very important part in her life. we are all healthy people, sometimes we can use body language to express ourselves. so we should pay more attention to learning body languages.
step ii introduction
t: now let’s do some tpr (total physical response) activities together, i hope you will enjoy them and have fun as well.
touch your head / face / eyes / nose / mouth / ears / cheeks / forehead / shoulders / stomach / legs / feet / toes ...
shake your head / arm / hand ...
wave your arm / hand ...
open your eyes / arms /mouth ...
close your eyes / mouth ...
twist your wrist / waist.
cross your arms / fingers.
nod your head. bow your head.
make a face to each other.
bend / cry / shout / scream / smile / laugh ...
t: all right. now let’s do them a little bit difficult. let’s play a game together. those who fail to follow the rule of the game will be dropped out. the game is: “simon says”. for example, if i say “simon says, touch your head”, then you touch your head. if not, you shouldn’t touch your head but remain still. clear? ready? now let’s start.
3 or 5 minutes for the game.
t: ok. it’s time to take up the lesson. please look at the screen. let’s take a look at the following gestures:
gesture action meaning
a handshake you are welcome.
a clap of hand come on; be cheerful.
a v-shape of the fore-finger and middle finger may you succeed!
or congratulations on your success!
a half-closed hand with thumb down i am not in favor of your idea or i’ll have to refuse you.
a wrinkling of the brow in thought or displeasure or a scowl she is worried.
tears coming out of his eyes. he is very sad.
all smiles on her face she is very happy.
waving their hands they are waving goodbye to people around.
a hand stretched out forward with strength he is stopping a tank.
people jump with their both hands stretched open in the air. they are cheering for the victory.
t: what are the actions of the above gestures? what do they mean?
s4: the first gesture is a handshake, which means “you’re welcome”.
s5: the second is a handclap, which means “come on” or “be cheerful” or something like that.
s6: the third one is a v-shaped posture of the first finger and the middle finger, which suggests a wish for the other or others to succeed.
s7: the fourth is a half-closed hand with the thumb down. it means the one who gives this gesture is against the other’s idea or simply refuses the request.
s8: the fifth is a worried look of a woman. she wrinkles her brows or frowns. it also seems that she scowls. it shows that she is worried or sad. in other words, she is unhappy.
s9: the sixth is a man shedding tears. tears were running down his cheeks. he is very sad for losing his relatives or sad for his failure.
s10: the seventh is a smiling face. it is easy to see that she is very happy.
s11: the eighth is a gesture of waving hands. they are waving goodbye to people who are around to see them off.
s12: the ninth is a hand stretched out forward with great strength. the boy is trying to stop a tank from entering into his homeland.
s13: the tenth is hands stretched out upward. they are all very cheerful. they are wild with joy; maybe they have just won a game. so we can see that they are cheering for their victory.
t: you have all done a good job. so you see that there are many cases or situations in which body language can convey meanings as well as spoken or written languages. if you want to know more about it, let’s come to unit 4 body language.
step ⅲ practice
t: look at page 25.
what are these people communicating?
step ⅳ time for fun
t: now let’s play a game in groups of four. one thinks of a situation and asks the others to show some actions using body language. when the one chooses the action that is most likely, it is his or her turn to think of some other situation for the others to show the actions so that the game may go on for a few rounds. clear?
ss: yes. that’s funny!
t: try to make the situations as interesting and enjoyable as you can. and show the situation as lively as possible. besides, make sure that everyone has a turn.
ss: all right.
s1: what are you likely to do if it rains?
(actions) s2: reads a book;
s3: puts on a raincoat;
s4: cleans the house.
s1: ok. i think s3 seems the most likely, so it is his turn.
s3: what are you likely to do if the river floods?
(actions) s1: runs away as fast as he can;
s2: helps the younger or elder to escape as soon as possible; s4: climbs on to a tree.
s3: ok. i think s2 seems the most likely, so it is her turn.
s2: what are you likely to do if the house catches fire?
(actions) s1: fetches some water;
s3: tries to put it out with blooms;
s4: runs away as quickly as he can.
s2: ok. i think s4 seems the most likely, so it is his turn.
s4: what are you likely to do if you meet with a fierce dog?
(actions) s1: remains where he is and bends down, looking at the dog;
s3: tries to scare it away with small stones;
s4: runs away as quickly as possible.
s2: ok. i think s1 seems the most likely, so we all have done a good job.
t: yes. i couldn’t agree with you. now, one more group.
step v role play (speaking task on p67)
t: now, there’s still a little time left. let’s come to speaking task on page 67.
1. team work: discuss the importance of body language.
2. go over the reading:
1) communication: no problem?
2) showing our feeling.
t: i think you must have known something about these pictures. yes, they are from a program of cctv, the evening party celebrating the spring festival of 2005, the coming lunar new year of the rooster. i think that was the best program. do you remember the name of this program?
the second period reading
the second period reading (i)
teaching goals 教学目标
1. target language目标语言
a. 词汇和短语
major, local, represent, curious, columbia, introduce, approach, touch, cheek, stranger, spoken, express, action, jordan, nod, general, avoid, comedy
b. 重点句子
yesterday, another student and i , representing our university’s student association, went to the capital international airport to meet this year’ international students.
…i saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.
she stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence.
2. ability goals能力目标
a. enable the students to realize the importance of body language.
what is the purpose of language?
what is the purpose of body language?
how can you tell if someone is sad even if they do not speak?
how can you communicate a feeling to someone who does not speak your language?
b. enable the students to understand the text.
where are the visitors from?
how do mr. garcia from columbia and julia smith from britain response when they are introduced to each other?
what do mr. cook and the japanese visitor do as they are introduced?
how can people express themselves besides their spoken language?
do all cultures greet each other the same way?
do english people and other europeans act the same when they first meet?
is a handshake very common in japan?
is a kiss often used in france when people meet?
why are there different kinds of body language?
c. enable the students to retell the text in their own words.
3. learning ability goals 学能目标
help the students learn how to explain the common idea—“different cultures, different body languages” with the target language in this unit.
teaching important points 教学重点
how does body language differ among people from different cultures?
teaching difficult points 教学难点
the understanding of the poorly-written reading text, especially the relationship awkwardly built up between “you” and the other people in the text, who are met by the awkward arrangement of the compilers of the textbook.
teaching methods 教学方法
skimming method, task-based method, role-play method.
teaching aids 教具准备
a recorder, a projector and a computer.
teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
stepⅰ revision
free talk about the topic: the importance of body language. while the student on duty gives the presentation, the teacher can simultaneously approve his or her performance by using the body language learned or familiar to the students such as nodding the head, stretching out the hand with thumb up, shrugging the shoulders, etc.
step ⅱ pre-reading
t: our text is about a special means of communication—body language. now please look at the screen. and discuss these questions with your partner first. and then some of you will be asked to report your work. are you clear?
ss: yes, sir/madam.
1. what is the purpose of language?
2. how can you tell if someone is sad even if they do not speak?
3. what would you do if you need the other’s help urgently while you two speak different languages?
4. give an example of how you can communicate a feeling to someone who does not speak your language.
after a few minutes.
t: now who’d like to answer the first question? volunteer! s1: let me try. the purpose of language, of course, is to be used as a tool of communication. that is, to exchange with others ideas, feelings, information, and so on.
t: perfect! body language is used anytime and anywhere to convey people’s ideas, feelings, information, and so on and so forth. next question?
s2: even if they don’t speak, i can tell if they are sad by
looking at their facial expressions. i’m a good mind-reader. (smiling)
s3: yes, that is quite easy. just by watching their frowned brows, their long faces, we know that they are unhappy.
t: very good. we have got two “mind readers” in our class; i’m sure there are more than two! now who’d like to give the answer to the third question?
s4: let me try, sir / madam. i’ll try to use body language to tell the other what i need urgently. i’ll do it by miming, by any proper posture, or gestures, even by drawing pictures.
t: you are smart! now who’d like to do the last one. it is more challenging, right?
s5: i’d like to have a try, sir. last summer i went on a study tour in the states. when i was on the way to
los angeles on the flight of the united airlines, we stopped at tokyo / narita airport in japan for 3 hours. so i went into the shop at the airport, for i wanted to buy a digital camera. of course i knew no japanese, so i spoke to her in chinese first and then in english. it seemed that she was at a loss when i spoke to her. then i decided to try it in body language. i just pointed to the camera that i like most-sony cyber-shot dsc-p100. the salesgirl spoke to me in japanese this time but i couldn’t understand a word of it. so i shook my head and kept pointing at the camera. finally i reached her understanding and she took out the camera i wanted to buy. i examined it for a little while and asked her the price of it by drawing a big “?” in the air with my forefinger. she took out her calculator and put in the price. the price was reasonable and i decided to take it. i paid for it and the salesgirl bowed to me again and again.
t: wonderful! thank you for telling us so interesting a true story and giving us so good an example of body language.
step ⅲ while-reading
1. scanning
while reading, please try to divide the whole passage into several parts and find out the main idea.
part 1 para 1
you are sent to capital international airport to meet this year’s international students.
part 2 (para. 2 and 3 )
examples of learned or cultural “body language”.
part 3. (para. 4 )
different peoples have different body languages.
part 4. (para. 5)
summary of body language.
read the text carefully, then decide if the following statements are true (t) or false (f).
• englishmen often stand close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet.
• most people around the world now greet each other by kissing .
• japanese will bow to others as greeting.
• people from jordan will move very close to you as you introduce yourself to them.
• some body languages in some countries are good while some countries’ body language are bad.
step iv post reading
1. is the author of this passage male or female? how do you know ?
the author is male. ahmed aziz will not shake hands with women, but he shakes hands with the author.
2.what were the two mistakes that the author noticed?
he noticed that the colombian man kissed the british woman, but in her culture, a kiss from a stranger is not acceptable. he also noticed that the japanese man bowed just as the canadian man started to shake hands, so one man’s nose touched the other man’s hand.
3. who seemed to prefer to keep more physical distance from others? who seemed to prefer closer physical distance ?
the british woman, julia, and probably the canadian man, george, seemed to prefer to keep more physical distance from others. the colombian man, tony, and the jordanian man, ahmed, seemed to prefer closer physical distance .
4. did any students have similar greeting customs? if so, which ones?
yes. tony from colombia and darlene from france had a similar greeting custom-a kiss. george from canada and ahmed from jordan also had a similar greeting custom-a handshake, but ahmed shakes hands only with men.
5. “ when in rome, do as the romans do.” what do you think this famous saying means?
this saying means that when we are in a certain place, we should follow the customs of the people who live in that place, not our own customs.
6. do you agree with the author’s statement that body language is not good or bad? why or why not?
students will give their own answers.
step ⅴ homework
1. get ready to retell the text in your own words.
i 重点词汇:
manage; wave; nod; realize; agreement, disagreement; while, manners; communicate; make sb….;body language; one another; not all…
may / could / can i do that?
i wonder if i can do that.
would / do you mind if i come earlier?
will you tell me if can go now?
yes, please. / of course. / sure. / certainly.
go ahead, please.
that’s all right. / ok.
it’s all right to me.
i’m sorry, but it’s not allowed here.
you’d better not.
i’m afraid not. it’s not right.
this lesson is to use offer help and how to accept and refuse help. while the ss learn about the way of expression from the dialogue. give some phrases to practise how to use and grasp better the ability.
this two materials about body language and train the ss' abilities of reading and speaking. though reading the passages, the main idea is to have difference body languages of the countries. for example; welcome, agreement and disagreement, no, yes, happy, so on. meanwhile the two passages offer the ss the opportunity to talk about the body language of china , british and other counties.
the teacher give the ss the questions bout the dialogue firstly. for example: if you need some help , how do you offer them to help? so on.
the teacher help the ss to listen in order to understand well, after that the ss speak and talk each other according the content of the dialogue., so the teacher organize some students to play a role about offers, or divide a few groups to discuss. finally the teacher summarize the useful expression of the dialogue.
period 1 reading
the general idea of this period
this period includes warming up,reading and comprehending of unit 3.to elicit the topic of humour,the teacher can get the students to talk about their teachers by asking what kind of teachers they like most.after the students know what they will learn in this unit,the teacher can get them to think what humour is,and then the teacher can show them some video clips,some verbal jokes,funny stories and some pictures for them to appreciate and have them tell the types of english humour,the typical representatives of each kind and if there are chinese equivalents to types of english humour listed.
to understand this reading passage better,the students are required to scan the passage first and try to decide how many parts the reading passage can be divided into and then get the general idea of each part.after that they will read the passage carefully again to find some specific information for the questions.if time is limited,the comprehending part can be given to the students as their homework.
teaching important & difficult points
learn what nonverbal humour is by charlie chaplin's career.
how to understand and enjoy english humour.
teaching methods
scanning to get the general idea of the text.
skimming to understand the passage better.
discussion to help the students understand better what they've learned and to use the knowledge they've learned in this period.
teaching aids
a tape recorder;a multimedia
three dimensional teaching aims
knowledge and skills
help the students learn something about some types of english and chinese humour.
help the students learn how to understand and enjoy english humour.
help the students acquire the ability to use the key words and expressions concerning humour and useful sentence structures.
process and strategies
help the students to use scanning and skimming methods to improve their reading skills and speed up their reading.
enable the students to talk about english humour.
feelings and value
through the study of this period the students will be able to appreciate the english humour.
teaching procedures
step 1 warming up
1.lead in:
t:hello,boys and girls!we have been here for more than half of a year,and you have got to know your teachers.what do you think of them or what kind of teachers you like most?
s:i think all my teachers are kind and friendly to us.they take good care of us.they are not only my teachers but also my good friends.
s:in my opinion,they are all learned and helpful,and i have learned much from them.
s:i like teachers who are open-minded,cheerful and humourous.
t:good ideas!a humourous teacher can make the classes lively and interesting,and make you nice in class and learn well.today we are going to learn something about humour.
t:then what do you think humour is?now please discuss it in groups and express your own ideas about what humour is.
s:humour,like jokes,can make people laugh.
s:humour is a sense.it's natural.
s:humour is quality of being amusing;it's an ability to appreciate something comic or amusing.
t:quite good!you have spoken out your own ideas about humour.maybe everybody has his/her own taste of humour.then how many kinds of humour do you know?
ss:verbal jokes,funny stories,etc.
t:wonderful!you know so much about humour.some of them are examples of english humour and some are examples of humour in china.now let's appreciate the following,and tell what types of humour they are.
policeman:you can't park here.
driver:why not?
policeman:read the sign.
driver:i did.it says,"fine for parking!"
customer:i say waiter!there are some coins in my soup!
waiter:well you said you wanted some change in your meals.
mrs brown:is your new home a warm one?
mrs black:it should be.the painter gave it two coats last month.
ss:verbal jokes.
patient:doctor,i've lost my memory.
doctor:when did it happen?
patient:when did what happen?
doctor:what happened to your ears?
man:i was ironing my shirt when the telephone rang,but instead of picking up the phone,i accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear.
doctor:oh dear!but...what happened to the other ear?
man:the scoundrel called back.
ss:funny stories.
ss:they are playing cross talks.
ss:they are playing sketches.
t:next let's appreciate the video clips from the mr.bean.
ss:mime and farce.mr.bean is quite a good example of mime and farce.
t:now let's appreciate the video clips from the film called the gold rush.
ss:nonverbal.from the film we can see that charlie chaplin was quite good at nonverbal humour.
t:do you think charlie chaplin's eating boiled shoes funny?why?
s:i think it is funny.it makes my mouth watering,especially when it is almost time for lunch and i am very hungry.
t:really,and me too!but we have to come to the reading.
step 2 reading
t:the title of the reading is nonverbal humour,the purpose of it is to introduce nonverbal humour.this reading material takes charlie chaplin as an example.it tells us what nonverbal humour means;what's charlie chaplin's style of acting;how he made a sad situation entertaining and so on.
reading task 1 general reading
t:boys and girls,i'd like you to read the passage fast and try to decide how many parts the reading passage can be divided into and then get the general idea of each part with your partners.
a few minutes later.
t:i see most of you have finished your task.who would like to tell how many parts the reading passage can be divided into?
s:we think there are three parts in this text.the first paragraph is the first part.from the second to the fourth paragraph is the second.
t:ok.are there any different opinions?
s:in our opinion,the reading passage can be divided into four parts.the first part is the first paragraph.the second part is the second paragraph.the third and the fourth paragraph is the third part.and the last paragraph is the fourth part.
t:can you tell us the main ideas of the text?
s:the first part tells us that not all humour is kind.the second part tells us that some actors can astonish us with the deep feeling they can inspire with us for a character they are playing.the third one tells us something about charlie chaplin's acting style.the last one is a short biography about charlie chaplin.
t:sounds reasonable.
reading task 2 careful reading
t:ok,since you have a good understanding of the general idea of this reading passage,i'd like you to read the passage once again and work together with your partners to find out the answers to the following questions.
1.why do people enjoy seeing other people's bad luck?
2.what was chaplin given a special oscar for?
3.why did people like the little tramp?
t:finished?ok,any volunteers!
suggested answers:
1.people enjoy seeing other people's bad luck,because it makes people more content with/satisfied with their life.
2.chaplin was given a special oscar for the contributions he made in films.
3.people like the little tramp because it gives people courage to overcome difficulties;because he was always kind even when people were unkind to him,and because he was optimistic.
step 3 language focus
t:so much for the questions and answers.now look through the passage again and see if you have any language problems.
s:i don't know whether the phrase "content with" has the same meaning with "be satisfied with"?
t:yes,"content" means "satisfied,happy,not wanting more." for example:
1)the old granny is content to live in the small village alone.
2)are you content with your present salary?
s:mr.li,in chinese the three words "particular,especial,special" all mean "特别的",i'm really confused about them.will you explain them to us?
t:particular"特别的,讲究的,挑剔的",强调特定的,个别的,与众不同的;special "专门的,特殊的,特别的",强调的是事物特有的性质、性格或专门的目的、用途;especial "特别的,主要的,突出的",强调的是重要性,有"优越、好感"之意。
for example:
1)there is one particular patient i'd like you to see.
2)she is particular about her clothes.
3)you will need a special tool to do that.
4)i love the country,especially (adv.) in spring.step 4 summary
t:today we have learned something about humour,and you have all performed wonderfully to have a good taste of humour.
step 5 homework
t:now homework for you today!complete the chart on page 18,and write a biography for charlie chaplin according to the notes you have made.
how time flies!it's time for lunch.you can go and have your delicious lunch,and you don't need to watch charlie chaplin eating boiled shoe to feel full.
the design of the writing on the blackboard
unit 3 a taste of english humour
period 1 warming up & reading
1.warming up
1)what is humour?
2)the types of humour
1)general idea of each paragraph
2)questions and answers on the text
3)some notes about charlie chaplin's career
3.language focus
record after teaching
activities and research:
collection of english jokes,funny stories or poems
you are going to make your own collection of english jokes,funny stories or poems so that all the classmates can enjoy them.each of you should add either jokes,funny stories or poems you like to it.so you are required to:
1.collect the good funny stories you have written or created.
2.go to the library and read some books or magazines to collect jokes,funny stories or poems you like.
3.go on the internet to search for jokes,funny stories or poems you like.
4.copy them into english jokes;fun stories;fun poems.
5.display them in the class and share them.
reference for teaching
background information
charlie chaplin
charlie chaplin,who died in 1977,is considered one of the greatest and funniest actors in the history of the cinema.during his lifetime,he acted in 13 films,and he wrote,directed and acted in 69 other films.
chaplin was born in london in 1889 and first acted when he was five years old.at the age of eight,he joined a group of child dancers,and at seventeen he set off to the usa with a group of comedy actors.during a second trip to the usa in 1912,an important film director saw chaplin acting a very funny part in a play.as a result,chaplin got his first film part in the states.
as early as his second film,chaplin had developed his own manner of acting,the one that was to become world-famous.he wore a small black hat,very wide trousers,a moustache and carried a stick that he swung in the air as he walked.even his way of walking down the street and turning a corner could be recognized as his own.in less than three months chaplin acted in 11 films.in a short while he started directing films himself.during his first year,chaplin acted in 35 films,many of which he wrote and directed himself.
chaplin's earliest films were silent films,because the equipment for adding sound to films had not yet been developed.the development of films with sound became a problem for chaplin,as he was uncertain about making films with dialogue.instead,he continued to make films without dialogue,but he added music,which he wrote himself.two of his greatest films,"city lights" and "modern times" were of this kind.
chaplin's later films,however,were not well received.he made only six films between 1940 and 1966 and only the first of these is still popular today.chaplin lived the last years of his life in switzerland,where he was buried in 1977.before he died,he was honoured in a number of ways for his contributions to the film industry.
one of charlie chaplin's most famous films was "the gold rush",which was made in 1925.the film was set in california in the middle of the nineteenth century.at that time,gold was discovered in california and thousands of people rushed there to look for gold,so it became known as "the gold rush".people said gold could easily be picked up by washing sand from the river in a pan of water.this was known as "panning for gold".
in the film,chaplin and his friend are in california.so far,they have been unlucky in their search for gold and have no money at all.chaplin and his friend are caught on the edge of a mountain in a snow storm in a small wooden house.they have nothing to eat.they are so hungry that they cook a pair of shoes,by boiling them,in a pan of water.chaplin sits down at the table and eats the shoe with a knife and fork,enjoying every mouthful.he makes it seem as if this is one of the most delicious meals that he has ever enjoyed.
language points:
1.a taste of english humour
1)taste n.味道;鉴赏力;爱好,嗜好
e.g.the food has an attractive taste.
she shows good taste in water-colours.
pop music is liked by many people,but it not to everyone's taste.
2)taste vt.&vi.品尝;link-v.吃(尝)起来......
e.g.i have never tasted snake.
when you are ill,you can't taste properly.
the dish tastes delicious.
2.what does humour mean?
1)mean v. to have sth.as a meaning 意思是
e.g.what does this sentence mean?
the flash light means that you must stop.
what do you mean by that remark?
2)mean v.(mean doing sth.) to intend to indicate 意味着(必须要做某事或导致某种结果)
e.g.being a student means studying hard.
in some parts of london,missing a bus means waiting for another hour.
3)mean v.(mean to do sth.) to have as a purpose or an intention打算做......
e.g.what do you mean to do with it?
i had meant to come over to see you last night,but i had an unexpected visitor.
4)be meant for 打算给予;打算作......用
e.g.these rooms are meant for the children's center
3.do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin,bumping into someone else round a corner?
find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin中,find后面跟复合结构n,用it代替不定式,it作形式宾语,能用于这种结构的词还有feel,think,make,consider等。
e.g.do you find it easy to solve the problem in this way?
i don't think it possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.
do you consider it necessary to do the experiment once again?
we have made it a rule not smoke in the office.
4.perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off than ourselves.
1)content n.(often contents) sth.contained in sth.所容纳之物,内容,目录;(often content)the subject matter of a written or spoken work,such as a book,magazine or a speech.
e.g.the drawer had been emptied its contents.
she hadn't read the letter and also was unaware of the contents.
at the front of book is a table of contents,giving details of what is in the book.
the content of your essay is excellent,but it's not very well expressed.
i like the style of her writing but i don't like the content.
2)content adj.satisfied,happy,not wanting more 满意的;满足的
e.g.the old granny is content to live in the small village alone.
are you content with your present salary?
she is quite content to stay at home,looking after her children.
3)content v.to make content or satisfied使......满意或满足
e.g.we should never content ourselves with book knowledge only.
he contented himself with one piece of cake.
4)worse off 是badly off 的比较级形式,in a poor position,esp.financially境况比......更差;better off 是well off 的比较级形势,in a better position境况比......较好
e.g.they are too badly off to have a holiday.
we should not complain about being poor-many people were much worse off.
i went to his home and found his living condition was worse off than mine.
in fact many people are better off than they were five years ago.
5.however,some actors can astonish us with the deep feelings they can inspire in us for a character they are playing.
however adv.(used to comment on a previously stated fact)although sth.,is was or may be true;nevertheless然而,不过,仍然;no matter how无论如何,不管怎样。
e.g.his first response was to say no.later,however,he changed his mind.
we thought the figures were correct.however,we have discovered some errors.
however(no matter how) cold it is,he always goes swimming in winter.
you should try to get a good night's sleep however much work you have to do.
however late he is,mother will wait for him to have dinner together.
however 和but都可以表示转折,两者在词性和结构用法上是有区别的。
6.he became famous for using a particular form of acting,including mime and farce.
particular adj.not general or universal单独的,特殊的,一般的;separate and distinct from others of the same group,category,or nature特定的,个别的;worthy of note;exceptional特别的,特殊的,值得注意的,与众不同的
e.g.she has a particular preference for chinese art.
there is one particular patient i'd like you to see.
we must pay particular attention to this point.
the documents(文件)are of particular importance.
in particular 特别地
be particular about...对......挑剔,对......讲究
e.g.he loves science fiction in particular.
he likes the country,particularly(especially)in spring.
the fashionable lady is particular about her clothes.
particular adj.特别的,讲究的,挑剔的。强调特定的,个别的,与众不同的。
special adj.专门的,特殊的,特别的。强调的是事物特有的性质、性格或专门的目的、用途。
especial adj.特别的,主要的,突出的。强调的是重要性,有"优越、好感"之意。
7.he played a poor and homeless person,who wore large trousers,worn-out shoes and a small round black hat and carried a walking stick.
worn-out adj.(of thing)badly damaged and/or no longer useful because it has been used a lot 磨损的,损坏的,穿破的;(of a person)be tired out筋疲力尽的
e.g.these shoes are worn-out.
i was worn-out after the long journey.
can we sit down?i'm worn-out.
8.then he cut off the leather top of the shoe,treating it as if it were the finest meat.
cut off v.1)to remove sth.from sth.larger by cutting切掉,剪下;to block or get in the way of sth.阻止,切断;2)to stop the supply of sth.to sb.中断,中止;3)to interrupt sb.who is speaking on the telephone by breaking the connection中断,中止;4)to prevent sb./sth.from leaving or reaching a place or communicating with people outside a place隔绝,隔离
e.g.he had his finger cut off in an accident at work.
they cut off the enemy's retreat(撤退).
our water supply has been cut off.
we were cut off in the middle of our conversation.
she was in nansha islands for six months.she felt as if she were cut off from the outside world.
cut across 取捷径;抄近路 cut out 剪除;切掉;割掉
cut in 插嘴 cut down 看到;砍伤;砍死
cut back 修剪;减少;削减 cut up 切碎
9.he was in such a hurry that he bumped into/knocked into/came across an old lady.
knock into v.to meet unexpected撞上,偶遇
e.g.i knocked into an old friend of mine in the street the other day.
he knocked into a lady standing there.
knock down 撞倒 knock off 将......撞下
knock against 撞击 knock over 撞翻
knock at/on 敲(门/窗) knock out of 从......中敲出
teaching goals 教学目标
1. target language 目标语言
a. 重点词汇
verbal, nonverbal, mime, farce, slide, skin, cruel, particular, entertaining, throughout, homeless, worn-out, failure, overcome, difficulty, fortunate, snowstorm, chew, outstanding, switzerland
content with, badly off, pick out, cut off, star in,
c. 重点句型
do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a corner, or falling down a hole in the road? p17
perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life... p17
he became famous for using a particular form of acting, including mime and farce. p17
but he was lived by all who watched the films for his determination in overcoming difficulties and being kind even when people were unkind to him. p 18
imagine you are hungry and all there is to eat is a boiled shoe. p18
that was the problem facing charlie chaplin in one of his most famous films. p18
he solved it by using nonverbal humor. p 18
their job is "panning for gold" p18
finally he tries cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe. p18
first he picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti.
the he cuts off the leather top of the shoe, treating if as if it were the finest meat. p18
he makes it seems as if it were one of the best meals he has ever had! p18
2. ability goals 能力目标
enable the students to talk about some types of english humor and chinese humor, then learn what humor means and what is nonverbal humor
3. learning ability goals 学能目标
a. help the students to learn how to talk about some types of english and chinese humor, and then find their differences.
b. let the students listen and read the jokes, so that they can realize that humor is to let people to be optimistic about everything around.
c. help the students learn how to describe what nonverbal humor is by charlie chaplin's career.
teaching important points 教学重点
help the students learn how to understand and enjoy english humor. while as to the reading, learn how to divide the text into several parts according to the meaning of the passage
teaching difficulty points 教学难点
a. help the students know the differences between the english and chinese humors
b. decide the divide of the paragraphs of the text
teaching methods 教学方法
using pictures, discussion, reading, scanning and careful reading
teaching aids 教具准备
a recorder and a projector
teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式
step i revision
ask the students to read the words and expressions that appear in warming up, pre-reading and reading
t: class begin..
ss: good morning, miss.
t: good morning, everyone. before our class, please turn to p97 and read the new words together. read twice for each one, ok?
ss: ok. (the students read the new words together )
step ii warming up
t: good. try your best to recite the words as soon as possible. today, we are going to the new text. at first, i would like to show you a picture. please look at the picture carefully. (start the new unit by showing the students a picture)
t: look! what do you think of the picture?
ss: it's very interesting. a wolf or maybe it is a dog is jumping across the back of a sheep.
t: yes. actually, it is a wolf. as we know, wolf is the natural enemy of sheep. will a wolf jump across a sheep without eating it? no. after seeing the picture, it is so funny that we can't help laughing about their acting. it makes us laugh and feel nice. so today, we are going to learn something about humor. the title is a taste of english humor. do you know some english humor?
ss: (some students may know some english humor and they will put up their hands.)
t: ok, i'll ask someone to tell some english humors to us.
(ask some students to tell.)
t: that's really funny. thank you! in fact, we name the english humor you told just now verbal joke. then, look at some pictures again. guess who they are.
ss: the first one is charlie chaplin.
t: yes, i dare say that everybody know him. how about the second picture?
ss: he is mr. bean, one of the most famous and successful british actor.
t: good. you are right. he is now recognized as the most popular british comedy expert. how about the last one? we have just learnt one of his play-a million pound bank-note. now, do you know who he is?
ss: mark twain.
t: yes. he is an american writer and his writing is famous for humor, right?
ss: yes.
t: now, let's look at the chart on p17. what does it tell us from the table?we can see that charlie chaplin is good at nonverbal humor; mr. bean is famous for his mime and farce; while mark twain was good at tell some funny tales. then how about edward lear? do you know him?
ss: no, we don't know.
t: ok, he is a famous british poet. his poems are funny and they were all from daily life. until now people also read them and enjoy them. if you want to know more about him, you can go and read about him in:
or you can read the book 《爱德华·李尔:一个漫游者的一生》which was written by vivian noakes.
however, we will meet the problem that it seems some english humors sound no funny at all to us because the sense of humor of english and chinese is different. so, do you know some persons in chinese who are good at humor? i'll show you some pictures again. see, who are they and what are they good at? nonverbal, mime and farce, funny tales or funny poems?
ss: the first picture is chen peisi. the second one is zhao benshan, but i don't know the third and the fourth one.
t: do you know what are chen peisi and zhao benshan good at?
ss: chen peisi is famous for his mime and farce. zhao benshan is famous for his xiaopin.
t: good. i think zhao benshan is famous for his mime, too. the third one is hou baolin, who is a famous cross talk actor. but what a pity, he has died. the last one is liu quanhe & liu quanli, both of them are good at ya ju (哑剧). so, can you finish the column of the chart now?
the suggested answers:
english humor
chinese humor
pantomime (哑剧) 刘全和、刘全利
mime and farce
funny plays 陈佩斯、赵本山
verbal jokes
cross talk 侯宝林
funny stories
funny poems
doggerel (打油诗)
step ii pre-reading
t: according to the column, what do you like to laugh at?
ss: (ask the students to talk about their opinion)
t: ok, as you all have your own choice and you do love making jokes, right? however, do you know what humor means exactly? does it mean all the things that make people laugh?
ss: we think so.
t: have you ever thought that there may be some jokes which will hurt the other person? for example: "you, stupid pig! if you keep on making mistakes, i will pick your head and beat it like a basketball." do you think i am right to say these words?
ss: no, it is rude.
t: that means humor is not always kind. pay attention to your words when you want to make jokes. then, what we are going to learn is a kind of humor that makes people laugh without using any words. how can we? please look at the p17------ reading: nonverbal humor
step iii reading
t: this reading material takes charlie chaplin for example. it tells us what nonverbal humor means; what's charlie chaplin's style of acting; how he made a sad situation entertaining and so on.
at first, as i have told you to preview the text, tell me how many passages the material can be divided and the main idea of each paragraph.
ss: we think the text is made up of four parts. the first part is the first paragraph. the second part is the second paragraph. the third and the fourth part is the third paragraph. and the last paragraph is the fourth part. the first part tells us that not all humor is kind. the second part tells us that some actors can astonish us with the deep feeling they can inspire with us for a character they are playing. the third one tells us something about charlie chaplin's acting style. the last one is a short biography about charlie chaplin.
t: ok, it sounds reasonable. are there any different opinions?
ss: we think there are three parts in this text. the first paragraph is the first part. from the second to the fourth paragraph is the second part. and the last one is the last part.
t: can you tell us your main ideas of the text?
ss: the first and the last ones are the same with my classmate before, but i think the second part of the text is about charlie chaplin's humor.
t: good. both of you sound reasonable. a reading material can have many different understanding! here is my idea, you can think over whether it is reasonable or not. the text can also be divided into three parts. the first and the second paragraph are the first part. it tells us that there are two kinds of humor. one is bad and the other can inspire people. the second part is the third and the fourth paragraphs. it tells us how charlie chaplin made a sad situation entertaining. and the last part is the same with yours. ok, think over my idea after class.
then, let us have a discussion about the text. please look at the screen. these are three questions. read the text again and find the answer to the questions.
1. what is behind fun?
2. why did people like the little tramp?
3. do you think charlie chaplin's eating boiled shoes funny? why?
three minutes later:
t: who would like to answer the first question?
ss: from the first paragraph, we can see that not all humor is kind. although we also laugh when we see someone slide on a banana, it's really dangerous to those one, especially to those old people. so when we think about it we will find it is not funny.
t: yes. that means when we are trying to play a joke, we have to think whether it will bring hurt to the others, right? fun is to bring happiness but not sadness. how about the second question?
ss: because it gives people courage to overcome difficulties. / i think that people liked him best is because he was always being kind even when people were unkind to him.
t: good. any other opinions?
ss: i think that people like him is because he will never tease him.
t: ok, and how about the last question?
ss: i think it is funny, but not very much, because i'm not hungry. / i don't think it is funny because it reminds me of the people who are in true hunger.
t: maybe. anyway, i think the happiest feeling needn't other people to find and to wake. everyone can do this. we all have our own life, no matter we are poor or rich, and we should live happily.
well, so much on today. do you have any questions about what we have learned? (wait for the students' response.) if there is no questions, then remember your homework:
1. read the text again and find the language points
2. finish the comprehending and learning about language on p19
(if there are few minutes left, ask the students to read the text by themselves.)